People love pets. Owning a pet is a rewarding experience, filled with companionship and comfort. But for many people, “pet parenthood” is also filled with allergy symptoms. The presence of a pet can trigger allergic reactions, making it a challenge to live comfortably with a furry friend.
National Pet Day is April 11th, right in the middle of allergy season! It just makes sense to find out which pets are more likely to cause allergies and which are more suitable for allergy sufferers. Instead of a furry friend, a scaley friend could be ideal for your pet-loving heart! Why?
One word: Dander.
Pet dander is tiny, microscopic flecks of skin shed by cats, dogs, rodents, birds, and other animals with fur or feathers. These bits of skin can cause reactions in people who are specifically allergic to these triggers.
Some creatures are just more likely to cause allergies than others. Not to pick on certain animals or add fuel to an age-old ‘cats vs. dogs’ debate, but, cat allergies are twice as common as dog allergies. Cat dander is particularly sticky and can remain airborne for long periods, making it easy to inhale or stick to surfaces in the home. But dogs aren’t off the hook here! While all breeds produce dander, some are more likely to cause allergic reactions than others. Breeds with thick undercoats, like German Shepherds, tend to produce more dander.
Bird feathers and droppings can also be sources of allergenic proteins, and rodent pets like hamsters, guinea pigs, and mice can produce dander that leads to allergic reactions.

Is there any hope to fill your life with a pet’s love without filling your head with allergy congestion?

Yes! Just warm your heart with a cold-blooded critter. Fish are a great choice for allergy sufferers, as they can’t produce dander and are contained in their watery environment all day, every day. Reptiles like turtles, snakes, and lizards may be creepy to some, but, they don’t have fur or feathers and therefore live dander-free.
If snakes aren’t your thing, and you absolutely have to have a dog or cat, there are a few “allergy-light” options. While no dog breed is completely hypoallergenic, some are known to produce fewer allergens. These include Poodles, Bichon Frises, and Portuguese Water Dogs. And although they are not completely allergen-free, Sphynx cats lack fur, which significantly reduces the amount of dander they produce. No judgement here, Sphynx cat owners, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
If you have pet allergies create an allergen-free zone in your home, preferably the bedroom. Use high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in your ventilation system. And if appropriate, bathe your pet regularly to reduce the amount of dander. Of course, deep cleaning your home, including floors, furniture, and bedding doesn’t hurt.
Living with pets while managing allergies is not impossible. Just take steps to reduce your exposure to allergens and, don’t forget to clear out those airborne particles in as little as 30 seconds with Naväge!