Saline Nasal Irrigation: A Short History

People have been practicing saline nasal irrigation for thousands of years, starting with sniffing ocean water from a cupped palm. Delivery system technology began about 500 years ago in India with the neti pot. Nasal irrigation did not enter the western mind until the early 20th century when a number of physician-inventors came up with some very clever ideas for flushing the nasal passages, although they were not practical.
However, the invention of antibiotics and penicillin impeded the further development of natural remedies and improved nasal irrigation systems. The recognition that natural, drug-free approaches intended to enhance the body’s own ability to stay healthy and heal itself brought a new interest in natural remedies, including saline nasal irrigation. The additional recognition that overuse of antibiotics created problems for the human immune system, as well as the proliferation of really nasty bugs like MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), further encouraged the exploration for preventive, rather than curative solutions.
As a result, the neti pot found new popularity in the late 20th century, followed by the invention of the nasal squeeze bottle. Naväge Nasal Care was invented in 2007, providing the most sophisticated technology to date, and the first personal nasal irrigator with powered suction.
Ancient Times/Prewritten History – Coastal dwellers learned that by sniffing ocean saltwater into the nose, it would relieve congestion and make it easier to breathe.
11-15th Century – In India, yoga teachers taught their students a variety of nasal irrigation practices, to prepare the body and mind for meditation. The earliest pictorial representation of the neti pot is found on temple walls beginning in the 15th century.
Early 1900's – Several doctors start experimenting and using modern technology to help their patients practice nasal irrigation themselves, with some interesting results (see images to left).
1928 – Penicillin, the first true antibiotic, was discovered by Alexander Fleming, Professor of Bacteriology at St. Mary's Hospital in London.
1932 – Doctors in the West like Alfred Laskiewics used conservative treatments of nasal irrigation from general hygiene to treatment.
1940's – Penicillin hailed as the miracle drug and antibiotics were developed to treat respiratory illnesses and infections, replacing home remedies like nasal irrigation.
1972 – Himalayan Institute introduced the first mass-market nasal wash item – the neti pot.
1990 – An increased awareness/education regarding the over-prescription of antibiotics and the problem of antibiotic resistance. Interest returns to the benefits of natural therapies.
1996 – DuBose’s invention of the nasal squeeze bottle.
2007 – Oprah and Dr. Oz discuss nasal irrigation and the neti pot on her show.
2007 – Martin Hoke, inventor of Naväge, has the “Aha Moment” and the concept of nasal irrigation with powered suction is born!
2009 – The name NAVÄGE is registered with the US patent office.
2011 – First patent issued for the Naväge Nose Cleaner (featuring powered suction!)
2014 – Naväge launches in CA and US Markets.
2018 – Naväge appears on Dr. Oz show.
2023 – Over 4 MILLION Naväge Nose Cleaners sold worldwide!
Be a part of history!
Try Naväge today and you’ll understand why we say, Nasal hygiene will be to the 21st century what oral hygiene was to the 20th!®